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Metadata Filtering

Metadata can be attached to the documents which you index into your DocumentStore (see the input data format here). At query time, you can apply filters based on this metadata to limit the scope of your search and ensure your answers come from a specific slice of your data.

For example, if you have a set of annual reports from various companies, you may want to perform a search on just a specific year, or on a small selection of companies. This can reduce the work load of the retriever and also ensure that you get more relevant results.

Basic Filters

Filters are applied via the filters argument of the Retriever class. When working with a Pipeline, the filter supplied to Pipeline.run(), which will then route it on to the Retriever class (see our the Arguments on the Pipelines page for an explanation). Basic filtering is supported by the ElasticsearchDocumentStore, OpenSearchDocumentStore and WeaviateDocumentStore.

query="Why did the revenue increase?",
"filters": {
"years": ["2019"],
"companies": ["BMW", "Mercedes"]

Filtering Logic

Technically spoken, filters are defined as nested dictionaries. The keys of the dictionaries can be a logical operator ("$and", "$or", "$not"), a comparison operator ("$eq", "$in", "$gt", "$gte", "$lt", "$lte") or a metadata field name.

Logical operator keys take a dictionary of metadata field names and/or logical operators as value. Metadata field names take a dictionary of comparison operators as value. Comparison operator keys take a single value or (in case of "$in") a list of values as value.

If no logical operator is provided, "$and" is used as default operation. If no comparison operator is provided, "$eq" (or "$in" if the comparison value is a list) is used as default operation.

filters = {
"$and": {
"type": {"$eq": "article"},
"date": {"$gte": "2015-01-01", "$lt": "2021-01-01"},
"rating": {"$gte": 3},
"$or": {
"genre": {"$in": ["economy", "politics"]},
"publisher": {"$eq": "nytimes"}
# or simpler using default operators
filters = {
"type": "article",
"date": {"$gte": "2015-01-01", "$lt": "2021-01-01"},
"rating": {"$gte": 3},
"$or": {
"genre": ["economy", "politics"],
"publisher": "nytimes"

Logical Operators on the Same Level

It is not possible to use logical operators twice on the same level since dictionary keys have to be unique. For example, the following filter is not valid

"$or": {
"$and": {
"Type": "News Paper",
"Date": {"$lt": "2019-01-01"},
"$and": { # repeated key in dictionary
"Type": "Blog post",
"Date": {"$gte": "2019-01-01"}

To get around this, we allow logical operators to take a list of dictionaries as values. This is what the above filter would look like in this style.

"$or": [
"$and": {
"Type": "News Paper",
"Date": {"$lt": "2019-01-01"}
"$and": {
"Type": "Blog post",
"Date": {"$gte": "2019-01-01"}

Filtering with logical operators is supported by the ElasticsearchDocumentStore and OpenSearchDocumentStore.