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Table Question Answering

Unlock the information stored in your tables using Haystack. Using the TableReader and the TableTextRetriever, you can now perform open domain question answering on tabular data.

Tutorial: Checkout our Table QA tutorial for a hands on guide on how to build your own system.

Indexing Data

To index data, cast your tables into pandas DataFrame format and use them to initialize Document objects. Then write them into your document store using the write_documents() method.

from haystack import Document
import pandas as pd
table = pd.DataFrame()
docs = [

If you have your tables embedded in raw files (e.g. within a PDF), you can use the AzureConverter to parse them into the required format (see File Converters).


The TableTextRetriever is designed to perform document retrieval on both text and tabular documents. It is a tri-encoder model with a separate encoder for the query, text passage and table. To learn more about the design of this component and also the training of the default models, have a look at our paper which was accepted at EMNLP 2021.

retriever = TableTextRetriever(
embed_meta_fields=["title", "section_title"]


With the TableReader, you can get answers to your questions even if the answer is buried in a table. It is designed to use the TAPAS model created by Google. These models are able to pick out single cells, or a set of cells and perform an aggregation operating to form a final answer.

reader = TableReader(model_name_or_path="google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq", max_seq_len=512)

Note: When the Answers are returned by the TableReader, the offsets indicate the cells that answer the question. These offsets are start and end indices when counting through the table in a linear fashion i.e. first cell is top left and last cell is bottom right.

Note: In the Answer's meta field, you will find the aggregation operator used to combine a set of cells into a final answer.


All the table QA components can be combined together in a pipeline.

table_qa_pipeline = Pipeline()
table_qa_pipeline.add_node(component=retriever, name="TableTextRetriever", inputs=["Query"])
table_qa_pipeline.add_node(component=reader, name="TableReader", inputs=["TableTextRetriever"])

You can run queries on this pipeline as follows.

prediction = table_qa_pipeline.run("How many twin buildings are under construction?")

The output of the pipeline is compatible with the print_answers() utility function

from haystack.utils import print_answers
print_answers(prediction, details="minimal")