Haystack docs home page


We believe open-source is more than open-source code. It's about the collaboration, transparency, and trust. Therefore, we decided to be as open as possible with our roadmap and sprint planning. In fact, you can see all of it in real-time on GitHub. We hope this helps to clarify the direction of the open-source project and inspires discussions in the community.


Our most recent roadmap is hosted on Github. Here you will find the high-level projects that we have planned for the upcoming quarters. We update it regularly and refine the projects as their start date approaches.


Agile Sprint Board

Our operational tasks and their statuses are hosted on Zenhub. To see them, you will need to install the Zenhub plugin. When you have done this, additional tabs will appear on the GitHub page. Click The Zenhub tab followed by Board in the left menu to view it.


Additional issue details & Releases

Right panel in regular Github issues

With Zenhub you can also see some additional tags in every GitHub issue. For those of you who wonder about the next release date: We aim for releases every ~ 4 weeks and will tag the issues that will need to be finished before a bit in advance.
